Tips and Recommendations for Maintaining Sports Turf
- Grass Options for Athletic Fields in the Transition Zone
- Overseeding Bermudagrass Sports Fields
- Establishing and Managing Bermudagrass in the Transition Zone
- Athletic Field Construction and Establishment
- Construction and Maintenance of Skinned Sports Surfaces
- Selection of Grasses for Athletic Fields
- Seeded Bermudagrass
- Bermudagrass Renovation with Vegetative Varieties
- Renovating Sports Fields with Seeded Bermuda
- Spring Renovation of Traffic Damaged, Weed Infested Football and Soccer Fields
- List of Sod Producers in Kentucky
Maintenance Programs
- Overseeded Bermudagrass Fields
- Non-Overseeded Bermudagrass Fields
- Cool-Season Fields
- Bermudagrass Polo Fields
- Optimizing Bermudagrass Athletic Field Winter Survival in the Transition Zone
Pest Management
- Controlling White Grubs in Turfgrass
- Insecticides for Control of White Grubs in Kentucky Turfgrass
- Japanese Beetles in the Urban Landscape
- Earthworms: Thatch-Busters
- Calendar for Diseases of Cool-Season Grasses in Kentucky
- Chemical Control of Turfgrass Diseases
- Managing Spring Dead Spot of Bermudagrass
- Weather Favorable for Cottony Blight in Turfgrass
- Reducing the Risk of Fungicide Resistance
- Destructive Diseases Common in Turfgrasses in Kentucky
- Controlling Winter Weeds on Bermudagrass Athletic Fields
- A No-math Method of Calibrating Backpack Sprayers and Lawn Care Spray Guns
- Turfgrass Weed Control for Professionals ($ Purdue University)
- Managing Water on Native Soil Fields
- Sports Field Irrigation
- Traffic on Sports Fields
- Winter Turf Covers
- Optimizing Bermudagrass Athletic Field Winter Survival in the Transition Zone
- Low-Maintenance Lawn Care, Stressing Pest Avoidance and Organic Inputs
- Managing Mole Problems in Kentucky
- Effects of Traffic on Dormant Bermudagrass